Armour Services Historical
Armour Services Historical

Where to find us:

Armour Services Historical 


Grays, Essex

Phone: 07877 614936


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Historical demonstrations

Armour Services Historical can offer dynamic and accurate award winning living history demonstrations. Every detail is carefully researched and updated in the light of any new evidence. The demonstration is also flexible to suit the customer's needs, including costume, tools and the use of a fully working forge based on surviving illustrations. The display area is covered with linen tents and awnings, giving a real feel of stepping back in time. 

Careful experimental archeology means that this forgotten craft is coming back to life. I endeavour to use the same techniques which were practiced over five hundred years ago, including, "raising" helmets and shaping and manipulating the metal so it works in harmony with the body. 

Customers and groups we have worked with include, The Royal Armouries Leeds, The National Trust, English Heritage, Bosworth Heritage Centre, The Medieval Siege Society, The Wars of the Roses Federation, The Company of Saynt George, ITV and The Discovery Channel. 

Displays are moulded around the customers need, so please contact us for a individual quotation or more information.

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